Ectopic Pregnancy Infographics

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Ectopic Pregnancy

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Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy that grows outside of the uterus (womb). In a normal pregnancy, the egg meets the sperm (is fertilized) in the fallopian tube and the embryo (fertilized egg) travels through the tube to the uterus. View the Fact Sheet
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Ectopic Pregnancy (booklet)

The diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is usually unexpected and is often emotionally traumatic. Many women may have only recently discovered they were pregnant when they receive the diagnosis. View the Booklet
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What do I need to know about conceiving after tubal surgery?

Fallopian tubes connect the ovary (where the eggs are stored and grow) to the uterus (womb), where the fertilized egg develops into a baby (fetus). View the fact sheet
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The fallopian tubes are attached to the uterus (womb) on the left and right sides. View the Fact Sheet
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Side effects of injectable fertility drugs (gonadotropins)

Gonadotropins are fertility medications given by injection that contain follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) alone or combined with luteinizing hormone (LH). View the fact sheet

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