Coverage Mandate 1:
Oregon covers basic infertility counseling as part of The Oregon Reproductive Health Program for low income women, but this is not a Medicaid benefit.
See Reproductive Health Client Services, Oregon Health Auth. https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HEALTHYPEOPLEFAMILIES/REPRODUCTIVESEXUALHEALTH/OREGONCONTRACEPTIVECARE/Pages/index.aspx (last visited June 30, 2021).
Scope of Mandate 2:
Coverage Cap 3:
Requirements or Limitations on Coverage 4:
Exemptions 5:
Fertility Preservation:
SB 168 was introduced in the 2022 session; the bill would cover IVF and fertility preservation services, with a probable religious exemption.
1 Does the state have a coverage mandate, Y/N. Include effective date of the mandate. Specify if the mandate is to “offer” services or to “cover” them.
2Which insurers are required to comply with the mandate. If not applicable, put N/A.
3Is there a cap (annual/lifetime)?
4Does the law impose age restrictions on eligibility for coverage? Does it limit the number of IVF cycles covered (or require at least a certain number of services be covered)? Does it mandate a waiting period? Other limitations? How is “infertility” defined? Is it inclusive (e.g.: does it apply only to married or -opposite sex couples, or is it inclusive?)
5What, if any, exemptions apply to coverage under the mandate? For example: an exemption for small businesses or religious organizations.